All Forms & Reports

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New Customers: New Meter Application, Easement (Choose the one that applies to your situation), ACH Authorization Form (optional), Transfer Packet (If account was transferred from previous owner), Proof of Ownership

Meter Re-Connect: New Meter Application, Easement (Choose the one that applies to your situation), ACH Authorization Form (optional), Proof of Ownership

Rentals: Renter/Tenant Agreement - The meter cannot be put in the Renters name, it must stay in the land owners name c/o the renter

Please call for pricing on all new meter installations and re-connects.  We must give you a quote, quotes are valid for 30 days.  All rates are subject to change with proper notice to Members.  All required documents and payment must be received in the office prior to installation of new meter, meter re-connection or transfer.  Installation dates vary based upon our schedule at the time of payment.